Kaiserliche Marine: German Imperial Navy Postcards, Set 2

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This is the second set from a collection of about 350 postcards of the Kaiserliche Marine, or the German Imperial Navy. For the main catalog page of this archive, visit WWI German Navy Postcard Collection.

This set includes:

  • S.M.S. Moltke
  • Unsere Marine – Geschutsexerzieren der Fahnriche
  • Hamburg II
  • (art) Einer von der Bau-ch-Division
  • S.M.S. Kondor
  • Am Vulkan Stettin
  • S.M.S. Seydlitz, Panzerkreuzer
  • S.M.S. Hela


  1. Again contributed by Axel. THANK YOU!!!

    The postcards are really interesting. Did you notice the change of the adress of Miss Charlotte Fink, first she lives in Heinrichstrasse in Stettin, cards dating from 1917 are adressed to Küstenmühle.

    Ok, here we go:

    1. Liebe Lotte! Kiel, 6.8.15
    Gestern haben wir einen militärischen Ausflug unternommen und wurden am Spätnachmittag von einem heftigen Gewitter überrascht, der uns über 2 Stunden festhielt. Spät am Abend kamen wir erst wieder hier an. Tüchtig geschwitzt haben wir. – Sei vielmals herzlich gegrüßt von Deinem treuen Ernst

    Dear Lotte! Kiel, 6.8.15
    Yesterday we went on a military trip are were surprised by a violent tempest that kept uns in place for two hours. It wasn’t untill late in the evening that we arrived here again. We had a good sweating.
    Many affectionate greetings from you truthful Ernst

    2.Liebe Lotte! Kiel, den 20.12.16
    Heute erhielt ich eine Karte von Amalie, die mir mitteilte, daß meine Angehörigen mein Paket erhalten haben und sich sehr darüber freuten. Wie geht es Dir mein Lieb? Sei vielmals herzlich gegrüßt von Deinem treuen Ernst

    Dear Lotte! Kiel, 20.12.16
    Today I received a card from Amalie who informed me that my relatives have received my package and were delighted.
    How are you, dear? Many affectionate greetings from you truthful Ernst

    3. Liebe Lotte! Kiel, 17.12.14
    Unsere Flotte hat gerade wieder den Engländern einen gehörigen Schrecken eingejagt. Möge es uns bald vergönnt sein den Verlust bei den Falklandinseln zu rächen. Ich hoffe Dich noch recht gesund und grüße Dich vielmals herzlich, Dein Dich treu liebender Ernst

    Dear Lotte! Kiel, 17.12.14
    Our fleet administered a good shock to the English. May we soon get the chance to revenge the losses at the Falkland Islands. I hope you are very well and send many affectionate greetings, you truely loving Ernst

    4. Liebe Lotte! Kiel, 26.3.17
    Anbei ein Vertreter unserer stolzen Truppe. Die Karikatur bedarf jedoch inzwischen einer Berichtigung, da die Beule infolge der (unleserlich) Kost nach innen geschlagen ist, unser Vertreter also einen sogen.(nannten) Vakuum- oder Minusbauch haben müsste. Sei vielmals herzlich gegrüßt von Deinem treuen Ernst

    Dear Lotte! Kiel, 26.3.17
    Opposite is a representative of our proud unit. The caricature is now in need of a correction, because the bulge has turned inwards, due to our (illegible) food, our representative now has a so called vacuum- or minusstomach. Many affectionate greetings from you truthful Ernst

    5. Liebe Lotte! Kiel, d. 3.5.15
    Von dem großen Sieg in den Karpathen (?) wirst Du wohl auch gelesen haben und Dich auch wie ich darüber freuen. War gestern in Stettin schönes Wetter und habt ihr wieder einen Spaziergang unternommen? Wie steht es mit Deinem Magen? Es sind doch hoffentlich keine ernstlichen Beschwerden? Wünsche Dir gute Besserung. Sei vielmals herzlich gegrüßt von Deinem treuen Ernst
    Herzliche Grüße an Deine lieben Anghörigen

    Dear Lotte! Kiel. 3.5.15
    You will have read about the great victory in the Carpathians (?) and like me you were delighted. Has there been good weather at Stettin yesterday and did you go for a walk again? How about your stomach? Hopefully there are no serious troubles. Get well soon. Many affectionate greetings from you truthful Ernst
    All the best to your dear relatives

    6. Lieber Ernst! Stettin, 20.4.15
    Herzlichen Dank für Deine Karte mit den U-Booten. Deinen lieben Brief erhielt ich auch heute und bedanke mich vielmals. Die Turnkleidung wirst Du wohl schon inzwischen bekommen haben, hast Du Diensttag schon mitturnen können? Mir geht es noch gut, hoffe das Gleiche von Dir. Mit vielen herzlichen Grüßen bin ich Deine treue Lotte.

    Dear Ernst! Stettin, 20.4.15
    Many thanks for your card with the submarines. Today I also received your lovely letter und say many thanks. You might well have received the sportsdress by now, have you taken part in gymnastics on Tuesday? I am still fine and hope the same from you. With many affectionate greetings I am your truthful Lotte

    7. Liebe Lotte! Kiel, d. 17.1.15
    Soeben erhielt ich von meinem Bruder Ludwig die Nachricht, daß die Schlüssel am 14. Dez. in (unleserlich) angekomemn sind. Die haben aber eine lange Reise gemacht. Anbei ein moderner großer Kreuzer im Bilde. Viele herzliche Grüße sendet Dir Dein (Dein? unleserlich) tr. Ernst

    Dear Lotte! Kiel, 17.1.15
    I just received the news for my brother Ludwig that the keys have arrived on Dez. 14 in (illegible). They have been on a long journey. Enclosed a picture of a modern heavy cruiser. Many affectionate greetings from your (? seems he has written “your” = Dein twice) truthful Ernst

    8. Liebe Lotte! Kiel, 18.1.15
    Hiermit sende ich Dir eine Ansicht des untergegangenen kl. Kreuzers Hela – Wie Dein Befinden mein Lieb? Dich vielmals herzlích grüßend bin ich Treue, Dein Ernst.

    Dear Lotte! Kiel, 18.1.15
    I am sending you a picture of the sunken light cruiser Hela – How are you, dear? Many affectionate greetings from your truthful Ernst

    Sorry, some words were illegible, at least for me. In some words the spelling differs from modern German, but I used the words in the way they were written (just a hint to ward of any watchdogs for proper use German grin wink grin)

  2. Re card #3. Kiel, 17.12.14

    Refers to the naval bombardement of the towns of Scarborough, Hartlepool and Whitby on the eastern coast of England by the German Battlecruisers Seydlitz, Moltke, von der Tann, Derfflinger and the armored cruiser Blücher on December 15.

    The true aim of the action was to lure a part of the British Fleet into action, but it failed, mostly due to the timidity of the German CinC, Admiral Ingenohl. On the other side, Admiral Beatty missed the opportunity to achieve a victory over the named German ships with his battle cruisers and an assigned squadron of battleships.

    Greetings, Urs

  3. Urs: SET 2
    #3 – Typo “Geschutsexerzieren” statt “Geschützexerzieren” (ensigns´ gunnery drill)
    #8 – “Hela” was sunk by the British submarine E 9. That boat´s Commanding Officer was Lieutenant-Commander Max Horton, who, when entering port after this success, had started the tradition of British subs to fly a “Jolly Roger” (a pirate flag with skull and crossed bones) on return from a successful mission.

  4. These old pictures are just marvelous and give these fine ships a little lease on life again.

    Many thanks for sharing the pictures, I am English and ex Royal Navy and love seeing them, thank you for sharing.

    C. Allison.

  5. I am currently writing a book that includes the story of the sinking of the Hela.

    I would possibly like to use the image from Set 2 as an illustration in the book.

    Could you contact me please.

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