How to Compost Sawdust

If you’re like me, you probably create a good deal of sawdust and wood shavings in your workshop. Making compost is a great way to recycle the sawdust and wood shavings you create. It’s great for your garden or lawn, and it’ll help you feel more Earth friendly, too!

What It Is and What It Isn’t

Compost, the other “black gold,” is a mixture of organic materials left to decompose over time. It makes great mulch, and can be mixed with soil as a natural fertilizer. It’s great for either sandy or clay soils, because it helps to more evenly balance the soil’s texture and nutritional value (for plants, that is).

Done right, composting your sawdust or other woodworking shop waste is not smelly or unsightly, and it neither attracts pests nor distracts neighbors. Chances are your neighbors won’t even know you’re doing it until they start seeing your gardens or lawn flourish in the spring.

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