Tag art

How to Get Blender Working with Vista


When I started using Blender again recently with Vista, I noticed that when I launched it I would only get a blank (black) screen. The command window screen was black, of course, but at least it reported “Checking for installed…


24-Tooth Saw Blade Clipart (SVG)


Here’s a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) drawing of a 24-tooth saw blade. I needed a simple circular saw blade clipart image for a logo I’m working on, but I couldn’t find a usable one online so I created my own.…


Matterhorn Painting


Here’s a cool painting of the Matterhorn. Please comment if you happen to know who painted it, or if you have any ideas on how to find out. Here’s a close-up of the signature.


A Couple More Piano Tunes


Here are a couple more piano tunes I wrote a while back while I was tinkering around with the fugue style. In a 3-voice fugue, the main theme is introduced in the first voice, then repeated an interval above with…


Original Pencil Sketches


Here are several pencil sketches by Ernst Franke, probably from around 1905-1910. They were all drawn, in the order shown, in a small sketchbook. Please comment if you are able to identify any of the subjects. They may be from…
