3D Printer Club: Blog/P.R. Team Update


This is one of several emails directed toward each individual team to get them on track for our first meeting of the new quarter: (redacted)

Hello Blog/P.R. Team!

I hope you had a great holiday! Are you ready to hit the ground running again at our first meeting this Friday?
Here are a couple of important updates and requests: 

  • Our first order of parts came in before the holiday. I posted some information about it on our new website at http://cpsfcmaker.org/?p=85 — please take a look at it. I also found a couple of good deals on some of the electronics we’ll need. I’ll share what I have either in an upcoming email or at the meeting.
  • One of the blog team members needs to be prepared to give a brief overview of what your team is working on at the start of the next meeting. All of the teams should be doing updates at the next meeting, so pay close attention to these updates so that you can write about them on the blog.
  • This is very important: Now that the blog site is up and running, your team needs to document the club’s progress toward its goal with both photos and words. Try to be as complete and descriptive as you can when you write about what’s going on — take some pictures and do your BEST work because your blog posts will be seen by people all over the world! (Let me know if you need a camera to use for the meetings.) You might want to focus your meeting time on deciding what to write about (and taking photos), and then do the writing between meetings so you can do a complete job.
  • You have a new and easy to use email address! You can email *all* your team members (including adult advisers) by sending an email to [blog team email]. Use this address when you need to communicate with your team. Right now this list includes the following email addresses (Please let me know if you need any changes to this list!): [blog team members and advisers]
See you again soon!

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