Category Technology

3D Printer Club: Acquiring Supplies

[sc:3dclub-intro] With the 3D printer club now in full swing, we’ve already discovered that we need some supplies. I’ll describe how that process can work, using the very real example of what came up yesterday. This type of process can…

3D Printer Club: Meeting 1 Review

[sc:3dclub-intro] This is the email (redacted) that went out to the complete list of club members about six days after the first meeting. (It was delayed primarily because I was awaiting comments from some of the advisers.) There was a…

3D Printer Club: Team Structure

[sc:3dclub-intro] The members of the 3D Printer Club are broken up into several teams, each performing an important role. Each team has two key players: the primary lead, and the secondary lead (or apprentice). The primary lead is always at…

3D Printer Club: Initial Proposal

[sc:3dclub-intro] This is the original brief proposal (redacted, edited, and reformatted) that we were asked to submit to submit to the school director with the goal of starting an official “3D Printer Club” at the school. You can use it…

Google Eyes Bookmark

Here’s a cute google eyes bookmark we made for the kids. It’s a pretty quick print and would probably made a great 3d printer demo print. It was created entirely using OpenSCAD. You can find the STL here on thingiverse:…